英日字典: take_in
The take_in has 17 Senses.
- put on, take in, befool, dupe, gull, put one across, cod, fool, put one over, slang
- 掛ける, 填める, 喰わせる, 担ぐ, 喰わす, 食せる, 嵌める, 填込む, 喰せる, 嵌め込む, はめ込む, 嵌込む
- fool or hoax; "The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone"; "You can't fool me!"
- 愚か者か悪ふざけ
- take in
- visit for entertainment; "take in the sights"
- エンターテイメントのために訪れる
- take in, collect
- 取立てる, 募る, 集める, 集る, 徴収, 取り立てる
- call for and obtain payment of; "we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts"; "he collected the rent"
- 求める、または納付金を得る
- view, take in, see, catch, watch
- 観る, みる, 見る, 観覧
- see or watch; "view a show on television"; "This program will be seen all over the world"; "view an exhibition"; "Catch a show on Broadway"; "see a movie"
- 見るか、じっと見る
- take in, invite, receive
- 受容れる, 受け入れる, 迎える, 迎取る, 迎えとる, 受入れる, 迎え取る, 迎え入れる, 受け容れる, 受けいれる
- express willingness to have in one's home or environs; "The community warmly received the refugees"
- その人の家または近郊を持ちたいという自発的な意欲
- take in, gather in
- fold up; "take in the sails"
- 折りたたむ
- ingest, take in, absorb, assimilate
- 受容れる, 取り込む, 受け入れる, 受入れる, 同化, 取入れる, 取込む, 取りこむ, 取り入れる, 受け容れる, 取りいれる, 採り入れる, 受けいれる
- take up mentally; "he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe"
- 精神的に受け入れる
- pull in, make, take in, bring in, earn, gain, realise, realize, clear
- 稼ぐ, 儲ける, もたらす
- earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages; "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month"
- 商業またはビジネス取引で稼ぐ
- take in, overhear, catch
- 盗み聞く, 立ち聞く, キャッチ, 聞き付ける, 漏れ聞く, 盗聞く, 聞きつける, 立聞く, 聞付ける, 漏聞く
- hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers; "We overheard the conversation at the next table"
- 通常、話し手に知られずに聞く
- take in, take up
- 吸収
- accept; "The cloth takes up the liquid"
- 受理する
- sop up, take in, suck up, take up, soak up, absorb, suck, imbibe, draw
- 呑込む, 吸入れる, 取り込む, 吸い込む, 吸い上げる, 吸込む, 吸容れる, とり込む, 吸いとる, 吸い入れる, 吸取る, 吸いいれる, 吸い容れる, 吸い取る, 呑みこむ, 吸いこむ, 吸収, 採り入れる, 吸上げる, 呑み込む, 吸引, 吸いあげる, 吸う
- take in, also metaphorically; "The sponge absorbs water well"; "She drew strength from the minister's words"
- また、比喩的に、取り入れる
- sop up, take in, suck in, take up
- 吸入れる, 吸い込む, 吸い上げる, 吸込む, 吸容れる, 吸いとる, 吸い入れる, 吸いいれる, 吸い容れる, 吸いこむ, 吸収, 吸上げる, 吸いあげる, 吸う
- take up as if with a sponge
- まるでスポンジであるように、吸い上げる
- ingest, take in, consume, have, take
- 摂する, 取入れる, 服用, 取り入れる, 服する, 経口摂取, 摂る, 摂取
- serve oneself to, or consume regularly; "Have another bowl of chicken soup!"; "I don't take sugar in my coffee"
- 自身に供給する、あるいは定期的に摂取する
- take in, adopt
- 養子縁組, 養子にする
- take into one's family; "They adopted two children from Nicaragua"
- その人の家族にする
- take in
- make (clothes) smaller; "Please take in this skirt--I've lost weight"
- (服)をより小さくする
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